Product Sourcing

What Does Product Sourcing Mean? Product sourcing is the process of obtaining stock to sell. Sourcing from China can be a complex process for some people. It takes a lot of effort and time to find the right manufacturer who can provide the right product. Since there are many risks and challenges involved when going... Continue Reading →

Featured post

Stand For The Silent Did you know that every seven seconds a child is bullied? Seven seconds! I couldn’t believe that statistic. This is something that needs to stop, and you, yes YOU can be a part of something great to help. Want to know more? Keep reading. The Stand for the Silent was founded in 2010... Continue Reading →

ARK Angel Network

ARK Angel knows education can unlock a better future for kids and the world around them. So, we directly support programs that help children get to school, learn and realize their potential. Because our world’s future depends on them. Risking one kid’s education risks a lot more than you might think. It could cost the... Continue Reading →

Silicone Wristbands: Standing up for a Cause

Here’s a roundup of some cool news stories and creative uses involving wristbands: Birchbank Public Elementary School rewarded its students’ good deeds with wristbands in its "Make a Difference" Campaign. 100 students received blue rubber bracelets for acts of kindness observed by staff and fellow students. “If you tell some people about being good… they tell... Continue Reading →

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